Infinite Ignorance



Discourses and Sayings Faith, Providence None None
Kyriai Doxai (The Principal Doctrines) Philosophy Epicureanism Epicureanism
Obedience is the burial of the will and the resurrection of humility.

- St. John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent

The Ladder of Divine Ascent Obedience, Humility None None
Letters from a Stoic Stoicism The Universal Perspective The Universal Perspective
None None None None
Wisdom from Mount Athos Pride, Books None None
Christ the Eternal Tao The Primordial Departure Nonfiction Nonfiction
Walden Perception transcendentalist, universal beauty, Nature, Poetry transcendentalist, universal beauty, Nature, Poetry
Plato's Dialogues wisdom and ignorance Ancient Greek Philosophy Ancient Greek Philosophy
unknown The definition of justice None None
It must come to me, not I to it

- Plotinus, The Enneads

The Enneads spirituality Ancient Greek Philosophy, Neoplatonism, Non-doing Ancient Greek Philosophy, Neoplatonism, Non-doing
Philosophy as a Way of Life Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy
Meditations Stoicism The View from Above, The Universal Perspective The View from Above, The Universal Perspective
Human, All Too Human The Universal Perspective None None
Praktikos Infinite Ignorance None None
Philosophy as a Way of Life Spiritual Exercises The Ego The Ego
The Enneads Neoplatonism The All, The Ego The All, The Ego