thinking about:
trait tree: link, trace, and cluster traits based on classical categorizations of virtues and vices
psql to graph db: refactor project to include the use of a graph database for tags
custom ordering: customize the order of quote appearance in notes / sets / collections
note customization: customizable notes - add the ability to append to, combine, intra-compare, and inter-compare notes
custom tags: a tags field added to the 'add quote' form
aggregate reports: who are the most popular authors? What are the most popular stories? Who are the most virtuous characters? What are the most famous quotes?
auto-fill: automatically fill in fields or suggest from previously added authors, characters, stories, etc.
language support: add more user interface languages
translation: a button to instantly translate quotes
user interface: tooltips showing about - hover on web or tap on mobile
explore: discover books, search through published quotes
clubs / groups: create clubs to share quotes with two or more users
share: share a space to collaborate with another user
relate: relate similar quotes (or characters)
reconcile: compare one quote with another seemingly incongruent quote and then find a third quote as an explanation or solution
notes: attach long form notes to quotes if there's a desire to expound upon ideas
about: brief background character and story about sections
influenced / influenced by: show all authors referenced or cited
home page: display a more helpful home page when logged out
additional reports: more helpful (personal, regional, and global) reports (including time filters)
public: a toggle option to publish quotes for other users
categories: higher-level grouping of topics into categories
sections: grouping of topics into genre-based sections
forms: faster form control - default story to previously entered and add a drop-down option for stories
batch update: a function to update multiple quotes and characters at once
password reset: request emailed password reset link
an example set of virtues: