project notes


thinking about:

  • graph based tagging system: infinitely nestable, customizable, and linkable graph based tagging system

  • virtue and vice categorization: preload classical categorization of virtues and vices

  • import and export: easy data import and export to all popular formats

  • custom ordering: customize the order of quote appearance in notes, sets, and collections

  • custom about headers: customize the section headers for character and story about screens

  • notes: add ability to, after note creation, add to, combine, and intra and inter compare notes

  • reconcile: compare and contrast quotes and characters for congruity, distinction, and nuance

  • influences: trace and visualize all people associated with a person and the association type

  • reports: add more helpful (personal, regional, and global) reports, including time filtered charts

  • feedback system: add ability to assess, review, reference, make corrections, and reply to other notes

  • batch update: add a function to update multiple quotes and characters at once

  • optical character recognition: convert uploaded images and documents to text

  • glossary: add a section to help with linguistics: definition, translation, and etymology of words

  • public: add a toggle option to make profile sections searchable (public / private) for other users

  • language support and internationalization: add more user interface languages

  • ai/llm: nlp and sentiment analysis for a similarity search and a recommendation engine section

  • ai/llm: automatic background information filling via wikipedia web scrape

  • ui/ux: upgrade user interface and user experience while maintaining a minimalist style approach

  • ui/ux: minimze clicks and time to action (creating notes, adding data, comparing, sharing, etc.)

  • customizability: preferences page to add and remove sidebar menu headers, change fonts and colors, etc.

  • information security: rigorously adhere to coding and data safety best practices using Opengrep SAST

  • custom tags: a tags field added to the 'add quote' form

  • aggregate reports: examples: most popular authors, stories, characters, quotes

  • auto-fill: automatically fill in fields or suggest from previously added authors, characters, stories, etc.

  • translation: a button to instantly translate quotes

  • tooltip information: tooltips showing character and story about, hover on web, tap on mobile

  • explore: discover books, search through published quotes

  • groups: create clubs to share quotes, characters, and stories with two or more users

  • notes: attach long form notes to quotes to expound upon and /or elucidate ideas

  • about: brief background character and story about sections

  • home page: display a more helpful home page when logged out

  • categories: higher-level grouping of topics into categories

  • sections: grouping of topics into genre-based sections

  • forms: faster form control - default story to previously entered and add a drop-down option for stories

  • password reset: request emailed password reset link

  • an example set of virtues:

  • faith

  • hope

  • knowledge

  • wisdom

  • honesty

  • humility

  • obedience

  • patience

  • courage

  • faithfulness

  • self-control

  • kindness

  • gratitude